Drug Awareness Ads Hit Major Airwaves

A new series of drug education public service announcements from the Foundation for a Drug-Free World hit the airwaves with powerful messages that have aired on twelve national cable stations, including VH1, MTV, FUSE, G4 and BET. The docudrama-style ads show how teens fall prey to drug myths, and the impact abuse has on their lives.
The true-to-life style of the ads can also provide a captivating introduction to any drug education presentation. “They show what drugs can do to a person, including their friends and family,” said Ravenscroft. “We have worked to bring home to youth that they need to get real information about drugs, and in a way they feel relates to their lives.”
The need to raise awareness of the dangers of drugs is critical, but not only for street drugs. Because many young people believe pharmaceuticals are “safe,” abuse of those drugs is on the rise. A recently published University of California San Diego study found that over the past two decades the percentage of deaths attributed to misuse of prescription and over-the-counter medications has risen by 3,200 percent. Therefore the Foundation’s drug education and prevention programs are also applied when dealing with prescription drug abuse.
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