Volunteers for Drug-Free World Bring Hope to the Livng on the Eve of All Souls Day

On the eve of All Souls Day, to forward the “Say No to Drugs, Say Yes to Life” movement and save lives, the Foundation for a Drug-Free World distributed The Truth About Drugs booklets to hundreds of residents of the town of Modica in the Sicilian province of Ragusa.
From 1998 to 2008, drug-induced deaths claimed more than 7,000 lives in Italy. With the purpose to make the tradition of All Souls Day a time to honor those passed on, rather than to grieve for those lost through drug abuse, Foundation members selected November 1st for their activity.
On that day, the Foundation’s members and volunteers congregated along the town’s main thoroughfare of Corso Umberto and began handing out their drug education materials to all those passing by.
Recognizing it takes more than bumper stickers on the backs of motorbikes or cars to get people to “just say no,” volunteers and members of the Foundation for a Drug-Free World have been diligently passing out the booklets to the residents of Ragusa for the last two years.
The group has sponsored weekly activities throughout the province to give young people true information on the dangers of drugs and thus enable them to make educated decisions.
Foundation members will be taking their message of drug-free living to other parts of Ragusa to broadly educate youth and adults, and save more lives from the blight of drug abuse.